Friday, May 16, 2008

Hello Again Universe.

I have begun working on a new animation about viruses. You can track its progress at

Comment if you wish.



NathantheQuinoaKing said...

John, I love all the animations. They are truly amazing, and helped me a lot when I was learning this stuff.

With regardless to the virus animation, however, I would refrain from using the statement "It is not alive because it cannot reproduce." Though this statement is true in a sense, a qualifier such as "on its own" or "without a host cell" would be appropriate to avoid ambiguity. It could be argued that all a virus does is reproduce and propagate its genes into future generations.

Furthermore, a parasite may rely on a host to reproduce, but it is still considered alive. I would therefore place the emphasis on lack of metabolism in viruses, not lack of reproductive activity.

Deschampsia antarctica said...

Hi John,

Sorry if I don´t comment your post but...

I´m an spanish young biologist and I would like to thank you for bring us this wonderfull website and its 3D-animations. They are helping me a lot in my biology classes

A million thanks.

john kyrk said...

Thanks Luke.
The question of whether viruses are alive turns out after all to be rather boring to me. Viruses appear to be minimalist versions of what we recognize as living. They are invariably bad news for the cells they invade. They're like nomads who refuse to settle down, and why should they? It's worked for them all these billions of years.

Miguel Vera said...

Outstanding animations John. I really loved the evolution one, but I can't wait to show the rest of them to my brother, who is studying to be a veterinary, he's going to be amazed with the details I'm sure.

Great, truly great work.


CanadianAmericans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Juan Blancas said...

Quisiera saber como conseguir tu cd en español. Muchas gracias

Lima Perú

anne marie said...

THANK YOU! I am thrilled to have discovered your AMAZING animations. WHat a wonderful resource for science teachers-AWESOME!! I am an Instructional Technology Specialist and can't wait to share your work with all of the science folks. Again- thank you so much- all of your hard work is very much appreciated.
anne marie

Kim said...

Your animations are a huge help in studying medical biochemistry.

Thank you so much!!

Abu Bizarre said...

Dear John,

Many thanks indeed. You have done some truly excellent work. I am also animating for teaching purposes, however I am using PowerPoint 2007 - thus many restrictions. Which software package are you using?
I can send you some of my crude, but nevertheless quite pretty animations, if you would like.
I am also working a new methods to teach basic sciences, we can discuss this privately if you wish.

Dr Colin Greengrass

john kyrk said...

Yes, I would be interested in seeing what you are working on.
My animations are done in Flash, the only software that allows for sophisticated animation and interactivity.

Unknown said...

Hi John,
I havent seen such an augustic work on cells. Its quiet easy to grasp things and brush up the basics in an hour or two.
Great work! Awesome
Keep on progressing

Eugene said...

Hello, John Kyrk!
Would you like to translate your Biology site into Russian?
Eugene =

john kyrk said...

Hello Eugene,
It would be great to have the site in Russian.
I can send you the text in English.

<~~Everton~~> said...

I am Everton, study Nursing in Ceará, Brazil. I have my good part of my study in biochemistry, physiology, microbiology and others to their work. I am your admired.

I could count on you to work and have me for that.

Thankful, Everton.

Unknown said...

Im from Portugal, Im finishing my degree in biochemistry... your site resumes what I've been studying for three years. very helpfull and nicely put! thank you very much for this useful tool.

Also, I was surprised to find out that the site could be translated to portuguese...that's like heaven!! although we understand english just fine.

Diana C.

التعلم الإلكتروني الحر said...

Hi I am Almotaz Barakat , Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry , teaching Biology.
Hello John Kyrk

Subject : " Arabitization "

While exploring the internet I came across some animations that deals with various scientific concepts .

I would like to get your prior permission to arabitze the language because Arabic is the standared language in our country .

These animations are very useful as audio visual aids for teaching various subjects as general education level .

I would like to make it clear that these animations are top be used for mere

academic purposes not commercial .

my e-mail :

MedHatChef said...

Dear John
I am a casualy interested layman I found your site facinating. Being interested in life and its workings your annimations are the best representaions I have seen.
I am sure your work here will inspire many.
You deserve an award of some kind, many thanks.

Chris said...

John, I have seen some of your animations and they are very useful teaching tools. However I have experienced difficulty in getting many of them to run, on download they hang at the point where a message displays '1 item remaining'. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so found any solution?
Chris, Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences Perth